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Generating leads is hard work filled with lots of dead ends, phone calls, ignored emails and painstaking searching. You can help yourself by using some of your current social network campaigns to help generate these leads for you, but which ones are best and HOW do you use them to best help?

Today’s article from HubSpot comes from a review of a HubSpot study from earlier in the year (found here). The study found that LinkedIn is a whopping 277% more effective at generating leads than the social media giants, Facebook and Twitter. That’s a pretty impressive number, but it seems that, to many, it’s just a number; It’s not exactly clear as to how to use LinkedIn to get that significant punch in lead generation. Today’s article takes a look at exactly that: how to use a specific LinkedIn feature to give a huge boost to generating leads.

That feature? LinkedIn Announcements. This awesome feature essentially works as an email marketing campaign within LinkedIn, allowing you to target all of your Linkedin Groups followers

The article takes you through the motions of setting up an actual LinkedIn Announcement and then moves on through the various “rules” of quality email copy (such as we’ve discussed in previous posts, here and here).

By incorporating other social media networks (cross posting with Twitter or Facebook) and various LinkedIn features (featured discussions across all LinkedIn platforms), the reach and engagement in your announcement can increase significantly. This draws in additional readers, as well as drawing more interest in the topic from current subscribers.

Click here to check out the article.

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