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everything you need to know to get more likes and comments

By April 24, 2018May 3rd, 2024No Comments

Wondering how to get more likes and comments out of your Facebook posts? This article from Mashable offers tips and tricks on the best types of posts to ensure maximum engagement from your fans, as well as an insightful infographic.

Types of posts:
Photos will typically generate the most likes, comments, and shares, much more so than text, videos, or links. While links can provide your fans with helpful information, creative content in the form of pictures is the best way to create a personality for your brand, one that fans will be eager to connect with.

Time of day:
Posts published at the end of the day tend to receive the most engagement. Posts also tend to peak on the weekends and taper off as the week progresses. If you don’t want to use social media for work during the weekends, you can use Facebook’s scheduling tool to schedule weekend posts during the week.

For more insight on how to boost your engagement, check out the full article here.

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