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Facebook’s Really Important for Brands (Infographic)

By April 24, 2018May 3rd, 2024No Comments

In a recent infographic posted by Mashable, a study shows 50% of consumers value a brand’s Facebook page over their website.  The study surveyed 1000 social media users about how they use Facebook to interact with brands.  The conclusion of the study was that Facebook’s brand pages are more valuable than ever.  Perhaps even more revealing was the finding that 77% of users claimed to have saved money from “Liking” a brand’s page.   Here are some additional conclusions, as illustrated by the attached infographic:

  • 87% of those surveyed “Liked” brand pages on Facebook
  • 82% of those who “Like” pages think it is a good way to interact with a brand
    • Out of those people 35% feel brands listen to them more on Facebook than they do on their websites
  • 69% of users have liked a brand because their friend did
  • The biggest motivator for users “liking” a brand is promotions/discounts, accounting for 34% of “Likes”
    • This was followed by Free Giveaways (21%), Loyal Customer (14%), Brand Trust (11%), and Other (20%)
  • The top 3 ways consumers interact with brands via their Facebook page are:
    1. Printing off coupons
    2. Like/comment on the brand’s page
    3. Learn about new products
  • On the flipside, there are also reasons shown in the study why people “Unlike” a page:
    1. Brand posted too often
    2. Stopped liking the brand
    3. Bad customer experience
  • The top three ways for brands to get consumers who don’t currently “like” their page to change their mind is to:
    • More giveaways
    • Post less often
    • Let me hide that I like the brand

For anyone wondering whether Facebook was important in influencing consumers to buy their products or services, this study shows conclusively that a well-defined Facebook presence increases credibility and the ability to interact with your customer.  Click through for the full post.

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