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In today’s fast-moving social media world, you need to be on your toes constantly.

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But don’t worry if you got behind on all the news this week, we’ve got you covered. Facebook’s gotta go fast and more fresh social media updates in this week’s issue of Spark Bites by Spark Growth:



  • Google recently updated Gboard for iOSa keyboard app that supports GIFs, emoji search and Glide Typing—with the ability to easily send Google Maps links and YouTube videos. So not only can you show your friends which dog meme video you’re watching, you can also let them know you’re watching it from your couch at home! OK, or maybe you would use the feature for something cooler. Up to you.






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  • Twitter is a busy place, and sometimes it’s just too hard to get to the social media updates that you actually want to see. To help with this, Twitter recently added a new feature to the Notifications tab. This feature will deliver notifications that aim to let you know what the people you’re following are doing, such as which accounts they started following, or which trending hashtag they just tweeted. Now we can all keep being nosy with even less effort!


And now that you’ve all been brought up to speed on this week’s social media updates, we’ll be seeing you in a couple weeks for the next issue of Spark Bites, so start getting hyped for that!


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Have a great week!

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