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Tips to Avoid a Lackluster Social Media Presence

By April 24, 2018May 3rd, 2024No Comments

So you’ve set up your business’s Facebook page, uploaded awesome graphics, and gained 100 new followers.  There is certainly an excitement around your new online presence.  But after the initial thrill is gone, how do you stay motivated to maintain your social media activity?  It doesn’t have to take a lot of time, but it does take thoughtful dedication. Don’t let your social media campaign fall stagnant after the honeymoon phase is over.

Today we’ve found a free ebook from OpenClose called “Avoiding the Social Media Sophomore Slump.”  The guide offers dozens of tips to help you keep your social presence robust.  Here are some important takeaways to avoid the slump:

Avoid unrealistic expectations: Not every post or campaign will be wildly successful.  Don’t get discouraged if a post only has a few likes. Learn about what your audience responds to the best through trial and error.

Social media is about giving, not getting: Keep your audience interested.  Avoid posts that are overly promotional. Keep your audience updated on things that are important to them and focus on building a relationship. Give them a reason to keep coming back to your page.

Stay ahead of the curve: Social media is constantly changing. Take Facebook for example. They’ve introduced a bunch of new features in the past few months including a scheduling feature, promoted posts, and the timeline layout just to name a few.  And platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are proving to be useful for businesses to showcase their brand.  Read up on our blog to stay up to date with the hottest social media platforms and best practices for maintaining a vibrant social presence.

You can download the full ebook here for more tips on how to avoid the social media sophomore slump.

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