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Your business has Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts (and likely, many others) and now you’re curious as to whether you need to sign up for Pinteret as well. Pinterest’s popularity is growing at an incredible clip and has burst onto the scene in historical fashion (becoming the fastest stand-alone site to garner 10 million monthly unique US visitors).

You should already know about Pinterest by now and how it could become part of your social media strategy. If you don’t already know, head over to Pinterest.com and find out more, or click here to see this January Mashable article on how Pinterest can increase your consumer engagement. It can be used in many different ways, from product advertisement (with your products possibly going viral) to simply gaining a customer base and community for social engagement. The great thing about Pinterest is that when one of your business’ followers actively engages with your ‘Pins’, the act itself works as social media promotion through the ‘Like’ button or the act of ‘Re-pinning’, making it accessible to more and more people.

Today’s article from Social Media Examiner doesn’t explicitly tell you WHY you should get Pinterest but instead reveals 6 useful Pinterest tips to help attract traffic to your website. There are some really great tips here that will help you fill your Pinterest page with lots of content (original and found) and will help you to gain followers and expand your network. Tips #4 and #6 (hosting competitions and pinning ‘offers’, respectively) are my two favourites, as they highlight just some of the exciting and unique things you can do with Pinterest.

Click here to read the whole article and find out more about all these great tips (especially #4 and #6!).

Also, make sure to visit the Spark Growth Partners’ Pinterest page by clicking here and don’t forget to follow us!

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