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Since the big Facebook Timeline for brands announcement, we’ve posted a few articles with examples of how businesses are using Timeline.  So far, we think this article from Hubspot is the most complete.

A few basics before we get into the article.  Facebook Timeline for business is going live on March 30th, so if you’re just hearing about it now, you’re going to want to understand all the impacts (check out this article).  Timeline, which launched for personal pages a few months ago, features a large cover photo and lands all customers on your Timeline page – you no longer have the option of sending new visitors to a ‘Welcome’ page or special promotion page.

But what controls do you have in Timeline?  This Hubspot article goes into some of the interesting new features, like starring and pinning key items onto your timeline.  Starring an item expands it to fill the full width of your timeline, instead of just half the width, like a typical timeline post.  This is similar to a Milestone, which is a featured event that also spans the full width of your Page.  Pinning a recently posted item means it will stay at the top of your timeline for 7 days after it was posted.  Both pinning and starring are great ways to prominently feature important content and ensure it doesn’t get lost in a sea of other posts, links, comments, etc.

The article also talks about the Cover photo and how it can be put to best use, while being aware of the restrictions that don’t permit you to use calls to action (e.g., “Like us”) within the photo.  Instead, check out the examples of how calls-to-action can be incorporated through custom tab graphics and names in the ‘app’ section of your page, just below your cover photo.

Lots of great examples and info – check out the full article here.

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