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Women’s health encompasses a wide range of topics, including reproductive health, mental wellness, and chronic disease management. How can healthcare marketers connect with their brand’s audience in an authentic and meaningful way?

One strategy is to leverage influencers.

Influencer marketing has fundamentally changed how women’s health brands relate to their audiences. A key component for many marketers in their digital marketing program, influencer marketing is particularly relevant for companies that face unique challenges and opportunities.

In this article, we share three reasons why women’s health brands should embrace influencer marketing while also sharing our tips on how to get started!

Influencer Marketing Promotes Open Discussion

In a study by McKinsey & Company called Exploring the Gap in Women’s Health Care Issues, the firm shares this stat:

“In all countries for all conditions, inequities in efficacy and care delivery of the top 5 interventions contribute to 57% of the women’s health gap.”

The reality is that women’s health doesn’t garner as much attention or research compared to healthcare in general — historical biases in medical research, a lack of representation of women and women’s health in clinical trials, funding disparities, and insufficient acknowledgment of gender-specific health needs are just some reasons why.

One way to change the narrative and promote change is by talking about it, and leveraging influencer marketing is an effective way to encourage open discussion. Influencers are seen as authentic and relatable figures and they already have built-in trust with their audiences, making their endorsements and messages more powerful.

Here are our influencer marketing tips

  1. Because being more authentic is one of the key benefits of influencer marketing, lean into it. Work with your selected influencers and let them tell their personal stories and challenges related to women’s health. Here’s an example of a campaign featuring Lady Gaga where she shares her experience dealing with migraines.
  2. Influencer marketing can be an excellent way to empower women — so be upfront about what you want to talk about (provided you adhere to healthcare industry regulations). There are women’s health topics that were once considered awkward or taboo to talk about — periods, menopause, and sexual health are just some examples. But now, communities have risen up around women’s health topics, providing a safe place for women to share their personal experiences.

Influencer Marketing Targets Niche Women’s Health Markets

Women’s health includes a lot of different areas. Examples include hormonal health, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancers that are more prevalent in women. The right influencer for your women’s health campaign is one that speaks to a niche segment, allowing healthcare marketers to reach their targeted demographic more effectively.

In other words, there can be major differences between partnering with an influencer in the healthcare space versus partnering with an influencer whose content solely revolves around aging and menopause. In this example, the first influencer’s audience may include a range of different genders, age groups, ethnicities, and so on. The second influencer may have a more focused audience of women in their late 40s or 50s.

This level of specificity can lead to better engagement and conversion rates for your influencer marketing campaign.

Here are our influencer marketing tips

  1. Sometimes, going “small” is more advantageous. On social media, nano influencers have around 1,000-10,000 followers, while micro influencers have around 10,000-100,000 followers. Tapping into their niche audiences is particularly effective for women’s health marketing as they cater to specific demographics. While these influencers don’t have millions upon millions of followers, there are benefits to partnering with nano and micro influencers. First, it may be more cost-effective for your influencer marketing campaign. Second, their smaller follower counts often boast higher engagement rates.
  2. Don’t skip audience analytics tools! They help evaluate the demographics of an influencer’s audience, ensuring that their followers align with your target audience. This might mean looking for women in a specific age group, or women with certain interests related to health topics. Some social media platforms have built-in tools, like Instagram Insights. There are also a variety of third-party social listening tools that can provide more in-depth data.

Influencer Marketing Facilitates Partnerships with Experts

When it comes to women’s health, establishing credibility is crucial. Partnering with influencers who also have an educational or established background in a certain area can significantly enhance your brand’s trustworthiness. Some examples include:

  • An OBGYN (obstetrician gynecologist)
  • A fitness trainer
  • A nutritionist

When these experts lend their voices and expertise to marketing campaigns, it helps educate audiences and builds trust. Sharing scientifically-backed information creates a more engaging narrative that resonates with consumers who are looking for reliable health-related information.

Hearing factual women’s health-related content directly from a trusted source helps demystify topics that may still be misunderstood or stigmatized. When experts advocate for a brand, it contributes to a larger conversation about women’s health.

Here are our influencer marketing tips

  1. Identify the right experts by carefully researching and vetting healthcare professionals who align with your brand values and can speak authentically to their audience. Their expertise not only lends credibility to your content but also ensures that it adheres to medical standards. Of course, it’s always best to go over specific industry regulations with all of your influencers, even if they’re in the same industry as yours!
  2. With an expert on board, consider other ways to leverage their expertise. While a common example is to have influencers create branded content and share posts on their personal social media feed, more interactive formats allow for real-time engagement. Campaigns focused on user-generated content (UCG) can be effective ways to address common concerns and questions.

Influencer Marketing in the Women’s Health Space

Influencer marketing offers women’s health brands the unique opportunity to connect authentically with their audience in more meaningful ways. By promoting open discussions around women’s health topics, targeting niche markets, and partnering with experts, brands can raise awareness about women’s health, position their own brands strategically, and foster a supportive community.

As the women’s health landscape continues to evolve, taking your first steps into influencer marketing can be a daunting challenge — but not to worry! Our healthcare marketing experts can help. Click the link below and let’s talk about how influencer marketing could be the missing puzzle piece for your digital marketing program.

Book a consultation with an expert!