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This article by Mashable highlights some of the methods you can utilize in order to encourage your online fans and followers to become offline brand ambassadors and customers.  Although every strategy needs to be unique and should make sense for your brand, there are a few universal tips that all companies can use to acquire new custumers and to keep existing ones.  Some of these methods include being proactive in your search for new fans or followers, by using tools such asTweetDeck and see who is connecting with your competitors.  The use of images is also a great way to engage and show off your company’s image. Some other incentives include promoting contests and offers, and being sure that each of your social media platforms is unique and distinct.  Finally it is important to make your content personal and acknowledge your costumers.  You can achieve this by incorporating live chat sessions, directly answering fans/follower’s questions (even negative feedback), and specially featuring certain members.  Read the full article here to learn more about how some companies have been able to effectively grow their brand using these strategies.

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