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Welcome to your weekly dose of social media updates in this jam-packed edition of Spark Bites by Spark Growth! This week, Facebook unleashed a barrage of announcements and updates at their F8 Conference. Don’t worry, though, we got you.

In this post, you’ll find all the most important announcements Facebook made (Spoiler: they’re trying to take on Tinder!), plus all the other latest social media updates that you missed this week. Read on to learn more:









  • Snapchat also has a lot of big changes coming! For one, they’re changing the name of ‘Promoted Stories’ to ‘Story Ads’. Ok, that admittedly doesn’t sound like big news, but we’re starting with the small fry first. These Story Ads are exclusive to the Discover feed in the app and they get set up very similarly to Snap Ads.
  • The app is going to begin testing 6-second unskippable ‘Commercials’. By the way, that’s a proper noun, which we find hilarious. You think people are going to believe that you invented commercials, Snapchat? Your users aren’t THAT young. Anyway. Commercials will appear in some shows on Snapchat, but not in personal stories.
  • Snapchat is getting a new redesign! Again!

    Look, we get it. Whenever a social media platform gets a new makeover, there will always be at least a few grumpy users who are unhappy. But Snapchat seriously dropped the ball during last year’s redesign, which has been blamed for the company’s disappointing Q1 results. The new update will sort communication by recency and your friends’ Stories will be in the Discover section.


Phew, and that’s all for this week! Have a lovely weekend and we’ll see you all back here same time, same place, for next week’s social media updates.


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