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Recommended Podcasts, YouTube Channels and Blogs for Digital Marketers

By April 24, 2018May 3rd, 2024No Comments

As with everything digital, the world of digital marketing is constantly evolving. Marketing in today’s day and age is a bit more nuanced than the classic “Mad Men” era, when reading a few books on marketing made you the local expert. But don’t worry. The same digital landscape that enables such rapid change within the marketing industry also affords a plethora of media outlets and content formats to keep you up to date. Digital marketing podcasts, YouTube channels, and blogs are updated constantly to keep you one step ahead of the latest trends and tips. In fact, these online marketing resources can be so abundant that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. 

To make it easier for you, we’ve compiled our favorite digital marketing podcasts, video channels, and blogs below. The best part? All this knowledge doesn’t cost you a thing! The internet is great.



Marketing School

“But I don’t have time to learn!” you whine, glancing guiltily at the clock even as you read this blog post. That excuse won’t fly for this first podcast, which is rated five stars on iTunes and keeps its daily episodes as short as 3 minutes to cover just one highly focused topic. In “Marketing School,” digital marketing experts Neil Patel and Eric Siu disect everything from content marketing, to social media, to conversion optimization in these short learning bursts for the digital marketer who’s always in a rush. Check out the latest episodes on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google play, Soundcloud, or Spotify.


Duct Tape Marketing

Host of our next recommendation, “Duct Tape Marketing,” is author and marketing consultant John Jantsch, who typically broadcasts his podcast on a weekly basis. Jantsch’s classic marketing podcast is backed by his many years of experience, and is particularly focused on marketing for small businesses. He often hosts respected industry experts, conducting informative conversations that we find more insightful than some other marketing podcasts out there. You can listen to episodes of Duct Tape Marketing, which has been airing since 2009 (wow!), on  iTunes, Stitcher, Play FM, Podbean, or Spotify.


YouTube Channels


This first YouTube channel on our list is created by Moz, a software and service company based in Seattle, with videos focused primarily on SEO and inbound marketing. Just under 60,000 individuals subscribe to the Moz channel, and while there are a number of competitor channels boasting more subscribers and views, what we like about Moz is that the videos are short. YouTube videos are often filled with a lot of “fluff”, because a longer runtime typically translates into more advertising dollars for the creator. Most of Moz’s videos are under ten minutes in duration, saving time for viewers by eliminating wastefulness like long-winded intros and outros.



SEMrush is a software company that sells online visibility and marketing analytics software subscriptions. The company’s YouTube channel is an all-in-one marketing toolkit that pumps out videos several times a week ranging from lengthy seminars to quick guides and podcast episodes, all centred around relevant and timely industry topics like content strategy, SEO, PPC, and social media marketing. With this much content, they likely have a video on just about anything you need help with.




If you’ve left your earphones at home, you still have plenty of options when it comes to written resources. Ahrefs is a toolset for SEO, but whether or not you use the company’s services, you should check out its weekly blog, which features detailed tutorials, case studies, and opinion pieces from marketing practitioners and SEO experts. We particularly like how succinctly Ahrefs can address an SEO need by providing visual examples and a clear structure, while still providing content that actually adds value and teaches readers something new.



Hubspot is another sales productivity software with its own popular blog, reportedly garnering 4.8 million visits per month. Hubspot content is focused more on inbound marketing than anything, and supplies new marketing insights, ideas, and inspiration to help companies sell smarter and faster. Most of Hubspot’s blog posts clock in at under five minutes of reading time—perfect for when you need a quick brain-boosting break at the office!


Spark Growth

Last but not least, don’t forget to follow Spark Growth on Twitter for updates on our own blog! We give you bite-sized social media updates on a weekly basis for both the social-media-savvy consumer and the social media marketer. Now you truly have no excuse to be a digital marketer who’s behind on the times.

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