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Why Place Pins on Pinterest are a Big Deal for Small Businesses

By April 24, 2018May 3rd, 2024No Comments

pinterestMany small businesses already have a captive audience with Pinterest: local retailers and eateries have special products that are practically begging to be posted to Pinterest. Now with Place Pins, those local businesses can receive even more airtime on Pinterest as their pins make the rounds. Travelers and locals won’t even have to leave the site to see contact information for the connected business, speeding up the buying process and leaving everyone happier.

What’s a Place Pin, Exactly?

Place Pins add maps and other information like addresses and phone numbers to individual pins. A photo pin of a delicious handmade cake by a local bakery can now be embedded with that bakery’s location (which will be included each time it’s repinned). It’s quite the tasty marketing upgrade for a savvy corner patisserie.

Place Pins are similar to other Rich Pins on Pinterest in that they contain valuable information beyond the pinned image. Rich Pins currently come in five flavors: movie, recipe, article, product and (the new) place pins. Which you’ll use depends on your business type and your needs.

According to Pinterest, “every day people Pin about 1.5 million places, and there are more than 750 million Pins of these destinations on Pinterest.” Small businesses are now more poised than ever to capture a bigger piece of the Pinterest pie.

What Timing! ‘Tis the Season

Because the holiday season is right around the corner, we’re particularly excited about Place Pins— the possibilities for engaging with local customers and travelers are endless. Local retailers can create boards with gift recommendations, restaurants can display seasonal dishes and desserts, and more.

Nearly any kind of business can create unique boards with fun holiday ideas that feature their products and services, whether gifts, family outings, vacations or beyond. Create a board that pairs your burgers with pins from the bar down the road and snaps of the beautiful snow-filled park on the corner to show users how to spend the perfect winter evening in town. Or, create a contest with gift giveaways. With Place Pins, the sky’s the limit.

Looking for more help growing your business? We’ll help you determine which services are best for you in a detailed, custom consultation. Schedule a 1-on-1 today to see how we can help you craft a more robust digital strategy.

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