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This article by Social Media Today summarizes some of the major changes and impacts to Facebook, as a result of their announcement earlier in the week that Timeline was coming to Brand and Business pages. If you’re still not sure what this means for your page, and what some of the new opportunities mean for your business, check it out. A few major findings include the bolder imagery that can really capture your brand identity and feel through the Cover photo, Facebook Coupons, which will allow you to post coupons to your timeline (which is a good way to run and share promotions through your Facebook page – especially since there are significant limitations on using your Cover photo to communicate any information, pricing or promotions for your business), and new premium ad products. Brand content is also bigger and featured more prominently in Timeline – this means photos, posts, and videos will be the focus on your page. Tabs are accessible in a different way – larger, customizeable icons are visible just under the Cover photos, but tabs themselves behave differently (you can no longer specify a default tab to land your users on!). As a result of not being able to set a default tab for your visitors, paid media and advertising becomes even more important. Paid ads and promoted posts will likely garner more attention, comments and interaction, which will improve its chances of making it into fans newsfeeds. And finally mobile ads will potentially enable geotargetting, based on user location. This is an interesting area that we look forward to hearing more on. Read the full article here.

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