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Over the last 6-12 months, there has been so much focus on Facebook Business Pages, Google+ Pages and most recently Pinterest Pages for business, and all the ways to set up, optimize and use these pages to generate a community, customer engagement and leads for your business.  With more and more businesses getting on Facebook and the recently launched Timeline for Business, it’s no surprise that it’s been getting so much of the attention.  But in the background, LinkedIn has been making moves with its enhanced Company Pages – adding features and functionality that provide A LOT of interesting possibilities for your business.

But before we get into all the great ways you can optimize your LinkedIn Page, let’s start with a few important questions.

First, what kind of businesses need LinkedIn?  Well it can be hugely valuable for B2B businesses and also B2C businesses where personal/team credibility, professional experience and client recommendations are important (think financial advisors, consultants, real estate agents and other professionals).  And, of course, we can’t forget LinkedIn’s value for any business who is looking to recruit top talent and ensure recruits understand the company and what is has to offer.

And what about the value of LinkedIn users?  LinkedIn users tend to be higher value and have greater decision making influence than the average user you’ll reach on other platforms.  A Hubspot study cited in today’s article also showed that LinkedIn was 277% more effective than Facebook and Twitter in generating actual leads.  With high value and high potential professionals focusing on the platform, it is definitely a place businesses should invest to ensure they are using it to not only attract and recruit top talent, but also generate qualified leads that result in sales that produce value for both parties.

Check out today’s full article from Hubspot on all the great ways you can optimize your LinkedIn Company page, including examples from 13 companies that are making good use of the available features and functionality.  Lots to learn and implement in your own Company pages!

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