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This week Facebook introduced embedded posts. Finally! Following behind Twitter and YouTube, Facebook now allows you to share public statues, photos, videos and hashtags directly on websites.

So what’s the big deal?

Embedded posts allow users to interact directly with the content. Not only does that let you show all the live time engagements with the post on your website (and therefore show the success of the post), but it also means people can like it, share it, or view your Timeline without leaving your website. It’s an easy and attractive way to pull in new traffic to your page and your site.

The other great news is that combined with new Facebook hashtags, it is now even easier for advertisers like you to find out what people are talking about. Searching for topics via hashtag, sharing what users are saying and reaching out to them is a great way to build your fan base.

Unfortunately, so far only a handful of sites have been given access to embedded posts, but soon the feature will be rolling out to users too. Adding an embedded post will be as easy as clicking “Embed Post” in the options menu and copying and pasting the code. CNN was lucky enough to get access to the feature, so check out their article for some cool examples.

How do I use them in my marketing strategy?

There are tons of ways to use them, so it’s up to you to be creative. Did any related company announce big news on Facebook? Embed that post into your blog. Did a customer post a great review of your company on a status update? Show it off. Share user pictures and videos to give your brand a personalized feel, and use the hashtag and graphic search to keep an eye on what your competitors are sharing too.

The only problem: unlike Twitter, which is geared towards public conversations, Facebook’s privacy settings can make it difficult to share just about anyone’s content. We predict, however, that once people see the advertising benefit of embedded posts, more people will embrace sharing things publicly. Facebook’s new features are great for your marketing strategy and your brand’s online presence, so take advantage of them!

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